Saturday, August 11, 2012

Innovation is not just a buzzword.

I understand why it may be easy for people (myself included) to be negative in these trying times. However, we should never forget about human ingenuity and spirit-the human mind is most powerful device in all of creation. We will always come up with new and innovative, and I am talking about real innovation and not the buzz-word innovation that is thrown around casually as a marketing ploy. In any event, if you want to read about real innovation, I would suggest picking up anything by Clayton Christensen (for instance you could start here, his website). In the meantime, I thought I would provide you with an example of real innovation- the Skin Gun.

So how does this relate to investing? Well one way to make a fortune is to uncover these hidden gem opportunities- the real innovative companies- buy them and hold them forever. 

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