Monday, December 2, 2013

Getting Back To Work With Comet ISON

Just getting back after my holiday break and will be updating with some posts, videos, comments, and insights over the next week. Essentially catching up. That said, I wanted to start the week with something light and to some far more interesting than investments. If you have been paying attention, comet ISON has been talked about for some time now, having been newly discovered a few months back. The most intriguing aspect of ISON is that the comet has never entered this part of the solar system before. In all regards, it is a 'new' comet making its first rendezvous with the sun, which occurred on Thanksgiving day and nearly vaporized the dirty snowball. Here is a video from NASA showing that event.

I am not going to go into the news regarding ISON anymore, as you can undoubtedly google it, but I thought the video of the comet's approach to the sun was a great way to kick start the week.

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