Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just Another Anti-Free Market Voice Among Many

A new Pope was voted in among cheers of many Catholics yesterday. Myself, albeit not anywhere near Catholic, still watched over interest in the process itself. Although I should not have expected any less, the Church elected what appears to be a ant-free market Cardinal to their top post. Why does this matter? In my mind it is just another voice- a voice who millions will now listen to- among what appears to be a growing dissent against the only human invention(s) that have the ability to elevate us all.... reason and the free markets.

This via and translated from Spanish

In a keynote address at the Alvear Palace Hotel Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now leaves office, drew on "social debts". No doubt the good intentions of the Archbishop and his genuine interest in solving the distressing issue of poverty, which is shared by all people of good. Unfortunately, what he proposes and the lifts of their reasoning, far from mitigating the problem, aggravated in the extreme. In these areas and in many others, the purest intentions are irrelevant, what matters is results.

We think that the conclusions misguided in economic and social affairs are due to poor study the role and significance of private property and the free market in the coordination of information by its nature fractionated and dispersed as opposed to lives and schedules haciendas outside rights not only affect but, first, create poverty for the whole community but so very special for the needy and, second, concentrated ignorance thus impossible project evaluation, accounting and general economic calculation through the dismantling of prices as indicators in the allocation of scarce resources provided.

Proposals deficient, contradictory and disadvantages in social unaware of the process by which capitalization rates set wages and income of any society and to maximize this result becomes indispensable institutional respect the right as the right to use and likewise have not provided equal rights of others injured. This is, in essence, the reason for the difference between a prosperous country and a poor one. In the first case we understand that wealth is not a zero-sum process but about value creation and multiplication, while in the second it takes wealth as static and unchanging to be "redistributed".

Said Cardinal Bergoglio in said speech that "The economic and social crisis and the consequent increase in poverty has its causes in policies inspired by neoliberalism considering ways to profit and market laws as parameters, to the detriment of the dignity of individuals and peoples. In this context, we reiterate the conviction that the loss of the sense of justice and lack of respect for others have worsened and led us to a situation of inequity. " Later stressed the importance of "social justice", "equality of opportunity" damage "transfers of capital abroad," which should be required "distribution of wealth", said the damage of economic inequalities and the need to "prevent the use of financial resources is shaped by speculation," especially in the context of the "social debt"-which in his opinion is of eminently "moral" - is to reform "economic structures" in expressed the sense before.

"Neoliberalism" is an invention with which at present no intellectual weight is identified, is a label-entelechy using unsuspecting and detractors of the open society. In any case, it is the liberalism that means full respect for the lives of other projects, tradition of thought which is constantly boiling process and in no popes and therefore there are many different shades and approaches different but all point to seek more complete consideration for individual autonomy beings who are always unique and unrepeatable.

In some circumstances, there is endorsement unfairly liberalism situations where the Leviathan is thickened with more expenses that should be provided with increased resources detraídos of community members and indebtedness that compromise the heritage of future generations who have not even participated in the election of the ruler who incurred the debt, within a framework of alarming corruption, the most obvious ignorance of the separation of powers and devolution of state monopolies aberrant shameless private monopolies and captive markets encouraged by hunters privileges misnamed entrepreneurs.

In the open, competitive market, the results box, ie, gains and losses are a central compass a fundamental guide to know who are right and those who err in consumer preferences (the first and second gain profits incurred with grief), unlike the system that allows pseudoempresarios do business in government offices, in other words, friends of power that operate espaladas the interests of the people. In contrast, in the open market, the entrepreneur, to improve its financial position, is forced to serve their fellow man.

The so-called "social justice" can only have two meanings: either it is a gross redundancy because there is no sense of justice among the plants, minerals and animals either it is for you to get some belongings to give to others which contradicts the classical definition of Ulpian of "giving each his own".

Equal opportunity is a mutually exclusive concept of equality before the law. Not all have equal rights if applicable equal opportunity. If a person who plays tennis badly when he intended to give equal opportunities to the professional front, we must compel the latter to play with the arm that was not used for that sport will thus violated his right. Many times, the sponsors of equal opportunities to draw a parallel with the sport by claiming that all "should start the race through life without economic benefits and as the effort will be those positions achieved on the final goal" without realizing that the argument is self-defeating because if it is consistent with the premises will be leveled again in the next race loses meaning with what the have endeavored to get the top spot.

The "capital transfers abroad" are due to conditions in the country of origin are not attractive which is solved by changing institutional frameworks to become civilized. On several occasions this is hampered when agencies like the IMF finances devastating governments whose policies are responsible not only capital flight but the brain drain situation is neutralized with the above financing that encourage rulers to continue with measures statist as price controls and foreign exchange market, land reforms, foreign trade restrictions, minimum wage labor policies that expel the market to those who most need work and condemn the black market to survive, galloping inflation, stifling regulations and all kind of absurd that hinder the flourishing of creative energy.

The "distribution of wealth" through devices we call government force operating in the opposite direction to the allocation of resources that people have decided on the daily plebiscite equivalents supermarket and buy or abstain from doing thus consume capital and, consequently, reduced wages and incomes in real terms. Meanwhile, economic inequalities are the result of the same phenomenon establishes consumer preferences with their purchases. The leveling estate produces two results: those under the level line will not produce waiting to be distributed, a distribution that will never come, precisely because the second result is that those who are on the reference line will tend not to produce if they know that they were expropriated by the difference.

Finally the condemnation of "speculation" is not relevant since in every human action means there is speculation that the acting subject of conjecture spend less satisfactory situation estimated that gives a greater satisfaction given axiological structure. For example, Cardinal Bergolio to deliver the speech of yore is speculating that help to clarify certain points, similarly, writes that these lines are speculating that the reflections are those showing the disadvantages of the words of Cardinal. All acts, whether sublime or speculate ruines best results: you sleep (if not suicidal) speculates dawn with life, a journey that begins speculated reach destination, the study speculates that get the title respective and facing a business speculation profit. Speculation highlights the importance of personal interest. The importance of caring for one's own soul first. This is why St. Thomas Aquinas in the Summa Theologica slogan about love of neighbor that "what you see that man's love for himself is a model of love which has another. But the model is better than molded. Then the man of charity should love himself more than his neighbor "(2nd 2nd, q.xxvi, Art.III). On the other hand, who hates himself is incapable of loving another since love provides personal satisfaction.

For all this is that when outputting documents and speeches is of interest to recall the text of the International Theological Commission of the Holy See in its Declaration on the human and Christian salvation has entered the June 30, 1977 that " In itself, theology is unable to deduct from their specific principles specific rules of political action, the same way, the theologian is not entitled to their own lights resolve the fundamental social debates [...] Sociological theories are reduced conjecture made and not infrequently contain ideological elements, explicit or implicit, based on questionable philosophical assumptions on an erroneous conception or anthropological. Such is the case, for example, a remarkable part of the analysis and inspired by Marxism Leninism [...] If we apply this kind of analysis, they do not acquire any additional certainty by the fact that the insert theology the plot of his statements "

The "social debt" really means sponsoring measures to help our neighbor that has a decent standard of living to which requires an atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect that is systematically destroyed by socialism and fascism whose main enemy is always the liberal. Finally, in addition to the Commandments which stress the importance of private property ("do not steal" and "do not covet your neighbor's goods"), is of interest to review some biblical passages. In Deuteronomy (VIII-18) "Javeh remember that your God is he who gives you power to get you proveas of wealth." In 1 Timothy (v-8) "if anyone does not provide for those who are his, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith." In Matthew (v-3) "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" whipping that puts the material to the love of God (love of perfection), in other words that "not rich to the sight of God "(Luke xii-21), which clarifies the Encyclopedia of the Bible (with the technical direction of RP and RP Sebastián Alejandro Diaz Bartina male under the supervision of Archbishop of Barcelona):" forced to interpret the beatitudes of the poor in spirit, in the moral sense of resignation and detachment "and" the clear formula Mateo-blessed are the poor in spirit, suggests that rich or poor, what they have to do is take off the inside of all wealth "(Volume vi, p. 240/241). In Proverbs (11-18) "who trusts in his riches, this fall." In Psalms (62-11) "to riches, when increasing, apeguéis no heart." This is also the meaning of the parable of the rich young man (Mark x, 24-25) and that "no one can serve two masters" (Matt. vi-24), in other words, is not conducive to confuse self-perfection with means. No condemnation of wealth but to altered priorities in life that divert and distract from the goals that are blurred. Moreover, if you think that poverty is a virtue should condemn charity since then decreases poverty status of the recipient.

What we should aim then is that people prefer to do so out of poverty, which requires knowledge of the advantages that have always provided the countries further adopt the formulas of the open society as opposed to those who insist on corseted by the Leviathan. The moral crisis of our age is the abandonment of principles and values ​​that made the country prosperous and have accepted and again unenforceable populist promises that are producing large-scale social fissures. To solve a problem, the first thing that is required is a good diagnosis and, indeed, failed to address the darts wrong targets.

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